Banderoll vid Bunkeflo Kyrka i solidaritet med kampen för frihet i Palestina

I natt hängde vi en banderoll vid Bunkeflo kyrka, nära Hyllie och Emporia där Eurovision förpestar vår stad med låtsasignorans, glitter och fest.

Solidaritet med de som kämpar för ett fritt Palestina!

Intifada överallt!

Välkomna till årets 1 maj!

Var? Möllevångstorget

När? 15.00

Antimilitarism i Aten

I samband med den gemensamma kampanjen med det grekiska kollektivet Acte, har SödrⒶ Klubben blivit inbjuda att delta i ett gemensamt event i Aten på ämnet antimilitarism.

Kika förbi om du är i närheten!

Tid: Lördagen den 17 Februari 2024, 19.00
Plats: Zizana squat (Filis & Feron), Aten

Week of Rage

Under #WeekofRage var det anarkistiska kollektivet SödrⒶ Klubben ute och affischerade i Rosengård och runt Möllan i Malmö, i solidaritet med det palestinska folket och alla vapenvägrare i Israel.

Frihet för det palestinska folket

Nej till #Apartheid_Israel


Jag vägrar värnplikten i den israeliska armén. Jag tror inte på auktoritet och hierarki. Armén är statens, borgarnas och vapenindustrins förlängda arm. Det finns de som drar nytta av den israelisk-palestinska konflikten och som aldrig kommer släppa den ekonomiska kontrollen över Palestina. Dessa krafter har skapat rasism och splittring.

– Tanya Golan, 20 år, vapenvägrare från Israel

Frihet för det palestinska folket!

Nej till apartheid!

During the #WeekofRage the anarchist collective SödrⒶ Klubben was out and postered in #Malmö #Sweden in solidarity with the people of #Palestine and all conscientious objectors in #Israel

Freedom to the people of Palestine

No to #Apartheid_Israel


Om du har rent mjöl i påsen, kan jag läsa din dagbok?

Enligt det gamla ordspråket så har vi inget att vara rädda för eller tveka kring om vi har rent mjöl i påsen. Alltså, om vi inte har något att dölja har vi inget att oroa oss för. Genom en samtida spaning av de senaste årtiondenas inrikespolitiska debatt och olika politiska beslut har det gamla ordspråket blivit mer aktualiserat än någonsin gällande inskränkningar av vår personliga integritet. Har du inget att dölja behöver du heller inte oroa dig för att staten håller koll på, och övervakar vad som sker i din mjölpåse. Vi rör oss i riktning mot ett allt mer auktoritärt samhälle. Det bör vara uppenbart även för den mest naiva.

De som sitter vid makten har inte längre något intresse av att dölja sina avsikter eller sin fascistiska politik. Under en lång period när hela den parlamentariska etablissemanget sakta men säkert har flyttat sig från mittenpolitik, till höger, till extremhöger, har vi upplevt det råa genomförandet av politik, åtgärder, överenskommelser och lagar inspirerade från den europeiska historiens mörkaste tider.

Raden av lagförändringar för ökad övervakning är lång och har pådrivits oavsett regeringskonstellation under många år. T.ex. FRA-lagen, som är den informella benämningen på en rad lagändringar i Sverige, gav Försvarets radioanstalt möjlighet att bedriva signalspaning i kabelburen trafik som passerar Sveriges gränser. Det innebär att försvaret kan avlyssna en stor del av människors kommunikation, så som e-post, sms, webbtrafik, chattar, mobilsamtal och telefonsamtal sedan 2009. Dvs, när resten av samhället började reagera på övervakningskapitalismen var staten redan i full färd med att systematisera samhällsövervakningen. Det är viktigt att påminna om att förslaget lades fram av försvarsminister Mikael Odenberg (moderat), som i sin tur hade övertagit ärendet från den tidigare socialdemokratiska regeringen, inför Sveriges riksdag den 8 mars 2007. Övervakningsstaten har en viss kontinuitet oavsett vilket maktblock som sitter i regeringen.

Den senaste i raden är den nya lagen om preventiva tvångsmedel som trädde i kraft i oktober 2023, till synes utan några särskilda diskussioner eller reaktioner. Detta trots att den nya lagen möjliggör för staten att i hemlighet avlyssna människor utifrån eget tycke och smak. Den nya lagen kan ställas i relation till FRA-lagens innebörd och de kraftiga reaktioner och diskussioner som utbröt vid lagens implementering. Den nya lagen om preventiva tvångsmedel och FRA-lagen är bara två av de många förändringar som skett under 2000-talet mot en allt större möjlighet för den svenska staten att övervaka människor. På samma sätt bevittnar vi sedan början av oktober 2023 ännu en gång en statlig attack mot samhället. Med ursäkten om kampen mot de s.k. kriminella gängen öppnade staten för en “kameraoffensiv” och vem vet vad mer. AI, biometri och ansiktsigenkänning är tekniklösningar som förordas av regering, polis och privata aktörer för att kontrollera den påstådda brottsligheten, men egentligen handlar det om en bred samhällelig kontroll. Människor som redan är utsatta för polisiära taktiker är väl medvetna om att förbereda sig för övervakningsmetoder. En kameraoffensiv gäller egentligen inte dem. I slutändan handlar det om en annan nivå av totalitär kontroll som går hand i hand med andra stora samhälleliga förändringar såsom angiverilagen, NATOansökan osv. Det är talande hur den svenska statens övervakning och kontroll inte enbart riktas mot andra stater utan även mot sina egna invånarna.

Sverige kan inte längre låtsas vara den oskuldsfulla lilla Rödluvan av neutral humanistisk politik och social öppenhet. Det pågår ett krig i Sverige. Och då menar vi inte den så kallade gängkriminaliteten, utan en öppen attack av den svenska staten på dess invånare. För varje rubrik om gängkriminalitet blir också allmänheten mer fogliga för åtgärder så som regeringens utlovade “kameraoffensiv”. Och om allmänheten inte övertalas då kan media ta över, terrorisera, och övertala oss om att “svenskarna är villiga att offra integritet för övervakning” (DN, 2023-10-10). Med betoning på svenskarna!

I vilket fall fortsätter den mediala cirkusen kring “gängvåldet”, och det finns konkreta anledningar till detta. Å ena sidan är detta förhållandevis marginella fenomen, i termer av statistisk signifikans för hur stater mäter olagliga aktiviteter i områden, brett och fritt instrumentaliserat av nästan hela spektrat av riksdagspartier för att etablera en polisstat i vissa områden. Detta möjliggör och normaliserar också den offentliga upphandlingen av högteknologiska övervakningssystem, så som exempelvis kameror med ansiktsigenkänning som omvandlar det svenska samhället till ett enormt fängelse. Samtidigt ökar acceptansen för extrem antimigrations, islamofobiska och rasistiska statliga doktriner. Jimmie Åkessons senaste öppna rasistiska dravel är ett konkret exempel på situationen och ger tydliga indikationer om vart den politiska diskursen är på väg. SD sätter sedan länge den politiska agendan, inte bara för regeringen utan även för den politiska oppositionen. Se bara de allsmäktiga Socialdemokraterna, eller de så “frihetsvurmande” Liberalerna, som nu når nya nivåer av självförnedring när de till synes lättvindigt överger sina tidigare ideal.

Å andra sidan, att fokusera med stora och sensationella rubriker på den krigsliknande verksamheten mellan olika knarkkungar och deras mindre arméer osynliggör det faktum att knarkhandeln är en ytterligare kapitalistisk marknad. En marknad som staten beslutat att hålla illegal och svart. De främsta köparna av knark i Sverige är vita svenska medborgare. Det absurda ekonomiska systemet med tillgång och efterfrågan i centrum är även tydlig här. För bara några veckor sedan kom nyheten om att nya avloppsanalyser visar ett tydligt ökat partyknarkande i Stockholms innerstad. Att inte vita människor är inblandade i att förse den svenska marknaden med droger har snarare med klasshamället att göra än etnicitet, migration eller brist på kameror.

Ryssland, gäng, invandrare, “våldsbejakande extremister”, arbetslösa, sjukskrivna… Det finns ett ständigt fokus på att skapa någon att skylla på, att frukta, någon som vi hela tiden behöver övervaka eller försvara oss mot. Att skapa och upprätthålla denna “alien” i den allmänna opinionen är avgörande för kapitaliststaterna att rättfärdiga sin existens och etableringen av en övervakningsapparat. De vid makten hävdar att extrema övervakningssystem och förändrade lagar är ett “nödvändigt ont” för att skapa och upprätthålla säkerhet. De säger att det är för vår säkerhet, och att det skyddar oss från faror. De säger att om vi har rent mjöl i påsen behöver vi inte oroa oss. Men bakom denna idé om skydd och säkerhet ligger fullständig kontroll, maktutövning och förlusten av vår personliga integritet.

Istället för att stödja varandra, blir vi uppmuntrade att kontrollera och döma varandra, till och med att censurera våra egna tankar eller ange andra. Gemenskap ersätts av en ensam plats där misstänksamhet, individualism och total övervakning mot våra grannar, vänner och medmänniskor blir normalt. Budskapet är tydligt, övervakning och straff. Det handlar inte bara om lagar och regler utan också om att forma hur vi tänker och agerar. Denna kraft formar oss till golare och ser till att vi lyder och är “goda” medborgare (eller så straffas du), och att se till att vi aldrig kan föreställa oss att något är bättre än massövervakning.

Istället för ömsesidig övervakning – ömsesidig hjälp!

Krossa övervakningssamhället!

SödrⒶ Klubben

Killing in the name of or the story of two (NATO?) states

Gemensam text och antimilitaristisk affisch av anarkistiska grupperna SödrⒶ Klubben (Malmö) och Acte (Aten)

This is the story of two very different nation-states. This is the story of Greece and Sweden through the lens of their participation (GR) and pending membership (SWE) correspondingly in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). At the end of the day, it is a very common story of dominance, exploitation, war, blood, and profit. Comparing and relating two extremely and historically different state paradigms (Greece representing the poor global south whereas Sweden representing a role model of an affluent Bretton Woods, post-war, western wet dream state) in relation to a significant international military treaty, such as the NATO, might provide us with valuable explanations and conclusions about current geopolitical and interstate conflicts as well as the future of global capitalism. We conclude this story with our political imperatives.

NATO: a transatlantic terror alliance
Initially, NATO constituted a political alliance, but with the war in Korea in the 1950s, NATO evolved into a military structure with the US in the lead. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization obliges all its members to share the risks, responsibilities, and privileges of a collective defense system – a concept that lies at the heart of the alliance. The primary goal of the Treaty was to create an agreement of mutual assistance to confront the risk of the Soviet Union expanding their control over Eastern Europe and other parts of the continent. NATO’s actions aimed to block soviet interference in the western economic and political sphere of interest and to create a political and military union of states, under the strong influence of the US and unified under western hegemonic political doctrines (neoliberalism, real politic, national sovereignty, parliamentarism and collective defense).

In June 2021, NATO published the “NATO 2030” report which describes “an ambitious agenda to make sure NATO remains ready, strong and united for a new era of global competition […] NATO needs to adopt a more global approach to tackle global challenges to Atlantic security”. Strangely enough, NATO’s “Atlantic security” refers nowadays to China, a country that we all know lies closer to the Pacific Ocean. During this instable, aggressive, and polarized world order, Sweden decided to break their pretentious “neutrality” and apply for membership to NATO. The application of Sweden to join NATO constitutes another episode in the NATO-Russian conflict. Let us put a magnifying glass on both Greece and Sweden.

Greece: the nationalist ugly duckling… that remains ugly!
Greece, being the border of the EU but also due to its geographical position in the south-eastern Mediterranean region, consistently has one of the highest levels of GDP for military equipment in the world. Even during the period of the intense global systemic economic crisis in the period 2008-2012, which had a strong impact on Greece, the procurement and upgrading of military infrastructure was unaffected. An additional role for the justification of these expenses, apart from the supranational alliances that the Greek state participates in, has been played by the antagonism with neighboring Turkey, among others, for the domination of the Aegean archipelagos. All the above lead to the intensifying efforts for social acceptance of the role of the army and the structure of an image that hides the brutality of this mechanism. For example, the connection between the military and universities is more evident than ever. Funding for research projects and the establishment of program studies that strengthen the development of new military and control technologies within the Greek territory are portrayed by state propaganda as a support to academic research and the market in general.

Greece’s participation in NATO has been going on for several years now (member since 1952) and the imprints of this membership are very evident. Indirectly as well as directly, the Greek state has participated in the bloodshed around the planet. The number of NATO bases located within Greek territory, apart from their upgrading (to the extent that some can “host” nuclear warheads), is significantly increasing. Transnational military training exercises are carried out at an intensive rate, they are hyped by the mass media and aim to strengthen the general climate of national uplifting and unity.

Sweden: the little red riding hood that married the wolf (NATO)
The Swedish state and capital have historically earned enormous amounts of money through weapon production. Since the Russian invasion to Ukraine, the Swedish weapon industry is booming as the Swedish government stands by Ukraine. Only Saab’s (one of the main defense industries in Sweden) sales are expected to grow 15% in 2023. At the same time, defense industry bosses in Sweden are lobbying for reforming the country’s strict military materials export laws to help local companies reap maximum advantages from the Nordic state’s impending NATO membership. The long-lasting so-called Swedish neutrality and pretentious non-alignment as well as the Swedish ‘democracy criterion’ for granting arms-export licenses were all forgotten by the Swedish state to be “protected” by the NATO alliance. The national internal gears go high for the Swedish state to be accepted into the warmth of the NATO family. On one hand, the Swedish state is trying to act as some kind of champion of human dignity on the international arena, while on the other hand it is running the weapon industry’s errands by buying from it and supporting the industry’s export of its goods.

The Swedish weapons industry, with SAAB and Bofors in the forefront, has flourished with shares that are increasing steeply upwards in value. It is lucrative with war and the feeling of insecurity – who would have thought… This industry, which makes money from people’s suffering and death, is economically only getting stronger and stronger by states’ conflicts, and with the Swedish state’s NATO ambitions in the form of an increased military budget of at least 2% of GDP (a guideline within NATO), the cogs of the military-industrial complex are being put to work increasingly clearer. The Swedish state’s hunger for NATO membership has brought an increased military budget, leading to more money in the coffers for the arms industry, which in turn means more weapons and ultimately human suffering. People are dying and the merits of capitalism remain stable.

Our view on militarism (Greek, Swedish, international), our approach to the army, whether it is national, professional, or supranational, is clear: we will never become cogs to their intra-dominion antagonisms, we have no quarrel with those who simply live on the other side of any state border or with those exploited and oppressed by states and capital worldwide.

Insecure “security” for many, secured money for a few
Internally, the Greek NATO membership as well as the pending Swedish NATO application are presented by both states and almost the whole political spectrum as a guarantee to citizen and state safety/security. The hegemonic narrative about safety is dominated by increasing militarism and profits for the weapon industry.

We have nothing to do with these plans. Neither the Greek and Swedish states’ interests nor international capitalism represent us or care for our safety or well-being. The importance of superstate alliances for our safety is insignificant to us. No state is safe for us. Our safety lies in solidarity, mutual help, and direct support to each other. During a war between sovereign nation states or when a superstate alliance is formed, it is the weapon industry’s interests and the safety/security of the construction industry (which profits from disaster reconstruction) and sovereigns that are considered, protected, and favorited. The national unity illusion establishes social peace for the ruling class, puts class differences out of sight, and ensures economic and political profits for the elite.

A membership in NATO shows in a material and symbolic way that the Swedish and the Greek states wish to partake from a more advanced position, in the global power play and secure profits spheres of interest and unimpeded land for capitalist activity. But it is us who experience and suffer from the consequences, either with blood, migration, or poverty. At the same time as Sweden applies to NATO and Greece provides NATO with territory for military bases, the inflation skyrocks and our incomes are ripped off once again. Be sure that even in Russia and in Ukraine, it is the underprivileged who pay for the war. Even the sanctions against the Russian state influences common people and not the Russian political and economic elite. The rest of us must pay for increasing energy, food, and petrol prices. This is what they mean by “safety”.

Going through 2023, the reality on every level of our lives becomes more and more unbearable leading to an incessant impoverishment. Amidst a decade of back-to-back crises (financial, health, political, energy, climate), states of ’emergency’ are now a permanent “new” normal: war on terror, economic instability, health alert, interstate conflicts, increasing militarization, energy crises, food shortages, management of “undesired populations” etc.

In the new normal imposed on us by states and bosses, we are asked to pay the costs of these crises so that the economy can be “restarted” and “growth” may return. We are called to save banks and energy giants from bankruptcy, to support production and markets, to embrace the sales of weapons of mass destruction in the name of economic and geopolitical stability. We are called to support the survival of a system that exploits and oppresses us both in times of growth and times of crisis.

To maintain social peace, the Greek and the Swedish states perform charity policies (e.g., fuel pass, electricity subsidies). Even with the bait of “social welfare”, the historical role of the state is to exploit, to oppress, and to suppress any potential threat to it. That is why we stand against the logic of delegation through elections and against right-wing and left-wing administrators. No reform of the existing can act as a liberating force for the underprivileged.

Antimilitarism means…
There is nothing that unites the exploiters and oppressors, whatever their ethnicity, with the exploited and the oppressed. On the opposite, everything separates us, our class position, the ability and ways of survival, the fact that for us the prospect of destroying the existing world and building another way of living is the only positive and hopeful political project. We do not forget that “war is the extension of politics by other means”. Armed conflict is the consequence of various other conflicts that have already occurred (economic, political, nationalist propaganda). That is why there is no side in any interstate war to defend and we do not recognize any state calling itself victim that we must support.

That is why we fight in times of “peace” and war, against every state and every form of oppression and exploitation, without any submission to national unity and delegation to leftist or right-wing “saviors”. We deny serving in their armies, we fight against the military and the war industry. We are sabotaging war preparations and national wars. We refuse to kill each other for the interests of capital and the glory of any nation state. We show our solidarity with all conscientious objectors. We continue the social and class struggles, against militarism, the destruction of nature, patriarchy, until total liberation.

SödrⒶ Klubben & Acte

Europe means politics of death – open borders now!

On June 14th a trawler capsized with as many as 750 people including children on board under shady circumstances in the Mediterranean Sea. The Greek authorities were first alerted to the vessel about 15 hours before it capsized. With the vessel clearly in distress, a rescue operation should have been launched. The ship, afflicted by engine trouble almost from the outset, was stationary for several hours before it sank. There are strong indications that the Greek Coast Guard attempted to pull the boat out of Greek waters before it capsized. The Greek state provided no information on this. This could be because they were not rescuing people but pushing them back from Greek waters. Towing overcrowded boats is dangerous and is not used in rescue operations, but in pushbacks. Greece has for a long time been accused of pushbacks – an illegal act even in terms of bourgeois international law. For many years now, European states (including Greece, Italy, and Spain) with the implicit encouragement of the EU and tolerance of other international organizations conduct lethal operations on the European borderland to protect Fortress Europe. At the same time, the wealthy European North has closed down their borders, despite the alleged freedom of movement within Europe, and has politically and economically supported hard anti-migration policies and practices at the European borderland, including the disgraceful EU-Turkey deal in 2016. The deal was one element of the EU’s inhuman policy to a sharp rise in the number of people arriving at Europe’s shores in search of safety and protection in 2015.

As a result, the Mediterranean Sea has turned into a gigantic cemetery. While the EU hysterically regulates for and facilitates the freedom of movement of capitalist goods, it normalizes the assassination of thousands of people who simply attempt to reach the European continent for a better future. The creation of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, known to everyone as FRONTEX, symbolizes the EU’s politics of death.

But this time, Fortress Europe exceeded itself. The people aboard the trawler were from numerous different countries, such as Pakistan, Syria and Palestine, and they were headed from Libya to Italy. At the moment, there are hundreds pronounced dead and hundreds missing – which makes this shipwreck amongst the worst ones in the history of Europe after the Second World War. The media coverage of the shipwreck itself in the Nordic countries is minimal. The death of poor migrants from Asian countries does not shell on Nordic media and does not appeal to the average Svensson/Hansen as much as the war in Ukraine. Ironically, around the same time, five billionaires died on their vanity trip to observe by close proximity what is left of Titanic. The ‘lucky five’ received much more attention than hundreds of migrants who died in the Mediterranean Sea. While the contrast is outrageous, it is not surprising! Life is not valued the same in capitalist societies!

The physical violence of the European borders is grounded on peoples’ perceptions of the socially constructed myth of the sovereign state. “Fortress Europe” is constructed through the imaginary that Europe is a special and separate space that should be protected. Needless to say, that Europe – both in material and conceptual terms – is built on colonial exploitation. Climate change, an important reason for people to be fleeing their homes in the first place, is rooted in the same colonial, neoliberal politics, that benefit Europe and force populations to leave their shelters due to poverty, environmental degradation, capitalist exploitation, wars and so on. In addition to the abuse of natural resources and the exploitation of humans by humans in different regions of the planet, the colonial power dynamic is based on white privilege – that is, the protection of Europe equals the protection of whiteness.

The same white privilege and whiteness characterize the Nordic states and their far-right governments. The recently resigned Finnish minister of economic affairs Vilhelm Junnila had previously publicly spoken at Nazi events, as well as posted photos of KKK snowman and so on. A number of Swedish governments both from the left and the right blocks for many years now have fueled racist discourses, enacted anti-migration policies, and established police state in vulnerable urban areas. The Danish state went as far as to enact the so-called “ghetto laws” which allows for the eviction of ‘non-western’ housing estate residents in areas classified by the government as a “ghetto”.

It is time to abandon this exceptional view on the Nordic countries. Nordic states are equally guilty of murder. We need to act now. To act is both to provide material aid to those in need, as well as to smash the oppressive system. Our enemy is here, within Fortress Europe.

They shall pass!

Solidarity with migrants!

Autonomous Revolutionary Nordic Alliance (ARNA)

SödrⒶ Klubben välkomnade kungaparet till Malmö med Shakspearecitat

Den 20 Juni var kungen var på besök i Malmö och SödrⒶ Klubben välkomnande kungaparet med ett citat från Shakspeare:

“J ädle herrar, lifvets tid är kort; Vi trampa kungar ned, ifall vi lefva”

SödrⒶ Klubben var ute och affischerade om inflationen

Inflation är klasskrig! Ta kriget till mataffären!





Vägra betala krisen…

No borders – No nations (2015)

Anarchists from the group “SödraKlubben” decorated the train station of Hyllie in Malmö (Sweden) with a banner saying “Refugees Welcome”. They also spread thousands of flyers in the station under the nose of several cops who perform border controls. Hyllie constitutes the entry point for the country of Sweden.

Since two weeks ago, Sweden has re-initiated border controls in order to regulate and reduce the influx of refugees in the country.

Refugees welcome!