Europe means politics of death – open borders now!

On June 14th a trawler capsized with as many as 750 people including children on board under shady circumstances in the Mediterranean Sea. The Greek authorities were first alerted to the vessel about 15 hours before it capsized. With the vessel clearly in distress, a rescue operation should have been launched. The ship, afflicted by engine trouble almost from the outset, was stationary for several hours before it sank. There are strong indications that the Greek Coast Guard attempted to pull the boat out of Greek waters before it capsized. The Greek state provided no information on this. This could be because they were not rescuing people but pushing them back from Greek waters. Towing overcrowded boats is dangerous and is not used in rescue operations, but in pushbacks. Greece has for a long time been accused of pushbacks – an illegal act even in terms of bourgeois international law. For many years now, European states (including Greece, Italy, and Spain) with the implicit encouragement of the EU and tolerance of other international organizations conduct lethal operations on the European borderland to protect Fortress Europe. At the same time, the wealthy European North has closed down their borders, despite the alleged freedom of movement within Europe, and has politically and economically supported hard anti-migration policies and practices at the European borderland, including the disgraceful EU-Turkey deal in 2016. The deal was one element of the EU’s inhuman policy to a sharp rise in the number of people arriving at Europe’s shores in search of safety and protection in 2015.

As a result, the Mediterranean Sea has turned into a gigantic cemetery. While the EU hysterically regulates for and facilitates the freedom of movement of capitalist goods, it normalizes the assassination of thousands of people who simply attempt to reach the European continent for a better future. The creation of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, known to everyone as FRONTEX, symbolizes the EU’s politics of death.

But this time, Fortress Europe exceeded itself. The people aboard the trawler were from numerous different countries, such as Pakistan, Syria and Palestine, and they were headed from Libya to Italy. At the moment, there are hundreds pronounced dead and hundreds missing – which makes this shipwreck amongst the worst ones in the history of Europe after the Second World War. The media coverage of the shipwreck itself in the Nordic countries is minimal. The death of poor migrants from Asian countries does not shell on Nordic media and does not appeal to the average Svensson/Hansen as much as the war in Ukraine. Ironically, around the same time, five billionaires died on their vanity trip to observe by close proximity what is left of Titanic. The ‘lucky five’ received much more attention than hundreds of migrants who died in the Mediterranean Sea. While the contrast is outrageous, it is not surprising! Life is not valued the same in capitalist societies!

The physical violence of the European borders is grounded on peoples’ perceptions of the socially constructed myth of the sovereign state. “Fortress Europe” is constructed through the imaginary that Europe is a special and separate space that should be protected. Needless to say, that Europe – both in material and conceptual terms – is built on colonial exploitation. Climate change, an important reason for people to be fleeing their homes in the first place, is rooted in the same colonial, neoliberal politics, that benefit Europe and force populations to leave their shelters due to poverty, environmental degradation, capitalist exploitation, wars and so on. In addition to the abuse of natural resources and the exploitation of humans by humans in different regions of the planet, the colonial power dynamic is based on white privilege – that is, the protection of Europe equals the protection of whiteness.

The same white privilege and whiteness characterize the Nordic states and their far-right governments. The recently resigned Finnish minister of economic affairs Vilhelm Junnila had previously publicly spoken at Nazi events, as well as posted photos of KKK snowman and so on. A number of Swedish governments both from the left and the right blocks for many years now have fueled racist discourses, enacted anti-migration policies, and established police state in vulnerable urban areas. The Danish state went as far as to enact the so-called “ghetto laws” which allows for the eviction of ‘non-western’ housing estate residents in areas classified by the government as a “ghetto”.

It is time to abandon this exceptional view on the Nordic countries. Nordic states are equally guilty of murder. We need to act now. To act is both to provide material aid to those in need, as well as to smash the oppressive system. Our enemy is here, within Fortress Europe.

They shall pass!

Solidarity with migrants!

Autonomous Revolutionary Nordic Alliance (ARNA)

SödrⒶ Klubben välkomnade kungaparet till Malmö med Shakspearecitat

Den 20 Juni var kungen var på besök i Malmö och SödrⒶ Klubben välkomnande kungaparet med ett citat från Shakspeare:

“J ädle herrar, lifvets tid är kort; Vi trampa kungar ned, ifall vi lefva”

SödrⒶ Klubben var ute och affischerade om inflationen

Inflation är klasskrig! Ta kriget till mataffären!





Vägra betala krisen…

No borders – No nations (2015)

Anarchists from the group “SödraKlubben” decorated the train station of Hyllie in Malmö (Sweden) with a banner saying “Refugees Welcome”. They also spread thousands of flyers in the station under the nose of several cops who perform border controls. Hyllie constitutes the entry point for the country of Sweden.

Since two weeks ago, Sweden has re-initiated border controls in order to regulate and reduce the influx of refugees in the country.

Refugees welcome!

Aktuell kampanj, snart i en matbutik nära dig… Vi har enbart varandra – solidaritet är vårt vapen!

Hej affärsbiträde…

Vi hoppas att allt är bra med dig, trots inflation, höga räntor och pajasarna – blåa, bruna eller röda – som säger sig styra detta så kallade land och som förpestar vår vardag.

I en tid som denna måste vi alla hålla ihop och underlätta för varandra.

Förutsättningarna för överlevnad har förändrats och det är fler och fler som har svårt att få pengarna att räcka till. Skenade energi- och matpriser och med en rekordhög inflation, samtidigt som staten öser pengar på vapenindustrin för att nå NATOs krav på budget , eller på energijättar för att “konfrontera” inflationen.

Du sitter på möjligheten att underlätta för personer idag genom att låta bli att ange dem som använder affären som sitt skafferi och som tar det de behöver utan att betala. Du har mer gemensamt med dem än med din chef. Dessutom redovisade de stora matkedjorna rekordresultat under 2022.

Vi har enbart varandra, och vi behöver hålla varandra om ryggen.

Alltid, och särskilt i tider som dessa, är solidaritet, och ömsesidig hjälp vårt vapen.

Kärlek och ilska!

Vrede och samvete!


SödrⒶ Klubben

ps. Glöm gärna också att låsa containern så det finns saker att plocka även när affären är stängd.

The state is the real terrorist, free all political prisoners!

The state is the real terrorist, free all political prisoners!

Comrades across the world!

Police repression rears its ugly head in Europe, attacking antifascist, autonomous and anarchist structures and singling individuals out as “leaders”, threatening them with long term incarceration. This should not be seen as isolated incidents, but rather a part of a larger pattern of state terror and repression against political activists in Europe.

Governments across the continent, including Germany, Italy, Greece, and France, have a long history of using police violence, surveillance, and repression to suppress political dissent and maintain their power.

They use the pretext of terrorism and other threats to justify their actions. But in fact, it is the state that’s the main terrorist, using the judicial system and brute force when needed to threaten, coerce, maim and even kill anyone who is committed to fighting for justice and equality. In Germany, the government has cracked down on leftist and antifascist groups, using anti-terrorism laws to justify arrests and imprisonment.

In Italy, the state has similarly used anti-terrorism as an excuse for imprisonment and harsh sentences for comrades.

And in France, the government has used emergency powers to restrict civil liberties and crack down on protests during the recent rebellion against the pension reform.

These are all clear examples of this state terror and repression, and it is our duty to stand in solidarity with our comrades and to demand their release. We must also work to expose and challenge the broader system of state violence and repression that allows such injustices to occur.

 We ask for your help in supporting our comrades who are currently political prisoners in Europe. These individuals have been targeted and imprisoned for their political beliefs and actions, and they need our solidarity and support.

Our campaign is focused on raising funds to provide financial assistance to multiple political prisoners, including the Italian anarchist Alfredo Cospito, the German antifascist Lina, and several French comrades arrested in the latest riots against pension reform. These individuals have been arrested and charged with various crimes related to their activism and political beliefs, and they are facing long prison sentences, medical expenses and legal fees.

By supporting our campaign, you will be helping to provide crucial financial assistance to these individuals and their families. Your donations will be used to cover legal fees, medical expenses, and other costs associated with their imprisonment.

Our goal is to rise at least 2500 Euro that we will divide to the different cases.

We believe that no one should be imprisoned for their political beliefs, and we are committed to standing in solidarity with our comrades who are currently under attack from the state. With your help, we can provide the support they need and combat the state terror.

They have the guns, the money and the prison system. We have each other and our undying solidarity.

Let’s use it, let’s win!

Fight state terror!

You can donate here!

  • Autonomous Revolutionary Nordic Alliance

Revolutionär 1 maj – Kapitalismen är den riktiga terrorn

När: 2023-05-01 15:00
Var: Möllevångstorget, Malmö


Skenande hyror, mat- och elpriser möts av nedskärningar och reallönesänkningar. Livet blir svårare medan konfliktlinjerna skärps. I vårdköernas Sverige hade över 500 personers död, årligen, gått att förhindra om sjukvården hade de resurser de behöver. Omänskliga regelskärpningar ledde till en 45% ökning av vräkta barnfamiljer 2017-2021. Medan matoligopolet tillåts chockhöja priserna säger skolorna att barn kommer hungriga på morgonen. Det här är medvetna politiska beslut som leder till verkliga människors lidande och död.

I detta läge, när vanligt folk kämpar för att klara vardagen lägger staten istället fokus på att blidka despoten Erdogans känsliga ego. ”Natofrågan är regeringens högsta prioritet”, som Billström stolt deklarerade om den process han ärvt från sossarna. Drakoniska lagförslag och inskränkningar av möjligheterna att yttra eller organisera sig avlöser nu varandra.

Med regeringens senaste terrorlagförslag hoppas man införa flera politiska brott 1 juni i år. Statens udd är mot våra kurdiska kamrater och PKK, men precis som Lagrådet ser vi hur den kan användas mot breda företeelser – och också politiska motståndare. Gunnar Strömmers (M) användande av begreppet ”inhemska terrorister” om gängkriminella, Kristoffer Tamsons (M) uttalande om klimataktivster som ”vägterrorister” eller i Björn Söders (SD) motion om att terrorklassa AFA.

Vi kan inte acceptera statens attacker på politisk organisering – i dessa tider behöver vi tvärt om mobilisera fler, ta mer utrymme och med större kraft utmana kapitalismens falska konfliktlinjer:
– Ångesten över att försöka förklara för ens gråtande barn varför dess hem tagits ifrån en, varför vi behöver gå och lägga oss hungriga eller att se sin egen död spikas i köer till cancervård, det är terror – våra kamraters försvar mot Erdogans blodiga regim är det inte!


Revolutionär 1 maj

Strejk! Stöd tågpersonalen

Solidaritet är vårt vapen!

Stöd tågåpersonalen!

Revolutionär första Maj

Revolutionär första Maj 2023 i Malmö

Möllevågnstorget kl 15.00

Vi ses där!

8e Mars-demo i Malmö

Vi är med och arrar #8mars demonstrationen i #Malmö
När: 2023-03-08 19:00
Var: Möllevångstorget, Malmö
Kvinna, liv, frihet!